“In Dublin’s Fair City…”
Febbraio 24, 2024
XI Ed. Concorso di scrittura creativa “Ritrovare una lettera per scriverla”: “Un’emozione senza tempo”
Febbraio 24, 2024

This year our school had the opportunity to go on a language study trip to Ireland. Aside from the exciting language course, students had the possibility to plunge into the history and traditions of the beautiful cities of Dublin, Howht and Glendalough.

As a real Irish person, everyday our students left the houses of the sweet families that hosted them to take the bus and go to the school in the center of Dublin alone, where they started to know more about the job world. While walking around the streets they could feel all the spirit of the place: from the traditional pubs in Temple Bar to the street musicians near the main streets, from the big green zones like St. Stephen’s Green Park or the Glendalough cemetery to the big gothic churches like St. Patrick’s Cathedral, from the magic museums, that made the students revive all the difficult history of the place, to the statues of important writers of Ireland, like James Joyce or Oscar Wilde.

Like under the wind of Ireland, our students’ hearts were blown away by the wonderful experience that allowed them to put into real practice the language they are studying but that also allowed them to visit a new place and to start to be independent. 

Annamaria Teresa Casule – Classe 3F

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