“Se domani tocca a me, voglio essere l’ultima”
Novembre 24, 2023
Gennaio 8, 2024

Ancient Romans should be grateful to molluscs

           The ancient Romans are often associated with a brilliant red color that ornaments their vests, but how were they able to color their clothing?

           First of all, it is obvious that at the time they did not have any type of modern colorant with the lack of chemical knowledge, so they had to create and work with stuff that was directly provided by mother nature: and so they did!

In fact, they obtained a substance called purple (or purpura) from an animal that produces it naturally, we are talking about a mollusc called murex.

           This animal is able to produce a secretion that, when exposed to the air, becomes a powerful and long lasting colorant! A perfect solution for their problem!

           Who would have thought? If these creatures had not existed, the Romans would not have had their well known and intimidatory look ! 

Diego Teodonio – Classe3F

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