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3D modeling is a technique used to reproduce objects or projects in a digital way. It is used in industries by engineers to make previews of their projects, or for architecture to prevent possible problems during the constructions; like the presence of collisions that would be hard to identify in a 2D preview. It is also used for 3D printing specific objects, needed in factories to make a lot of products you use every day.

                  3D modeling is also used by artists and it is considered one of the newest forms of art. However, being a 3D artist is not as easy as we could think, in fact, they have to be creative and able to use a software; they also have to be able to work in group, for example in a videogame developing process. At least, their salary is not extremely low.

                  You can download a 3D modeling software on your own pc and start learning the basics. There are a lot of them on the internet but, unfortunately, they are very expensive; nevertheless, there is one that is completely free “Blender”, it is the most used ammong beginners and you can easily find free tutorials on the internet.

Luigi Sperduti – Classe 3C

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