Marzo 1, 2023
Lo strangolatore di Boston
Aprile 13, 2023

                     In recent weeks on TV the main topic is the arrest of Matteo Messina Denaro. He is a mafia boss and for about thirty years everyone has tried to capture him. Now, like a stroke of luck, he has been found near his home in a clinic because he is sick. Only just a coincidence?

In his life he has done incredibile things: he strangled a three months pregnant woman, he threw a child in acid and he moked all the Italians pretending to be a fugitive. Now, after a lot of years of playing hide and seek, he decided the end of the game.

Of course he decided to surrender to the police only to do another spite to the Italian governament. When the police found him, he was about to undergo a cycle of chemotherapy under false name. 

In Italy the national health system covers a large part of medical expenses so he did not pay a lot. However, for a boss it is funnier if

treating him is the same governament which is trying to arrest him.

That is very clear! Once again, it has been shown that when playing “hide and seek”,the winner is not who hides better, but the one who hides first.

Beatrice Marconi 4C

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